25 JANUARY 1963, Page 8

Tertium Quid

As politics begin again after the pause caused by Mr. Gaitskell's death there seems little doubt that one of the most prominent features of the new constellation will be Liberal determination to present their leader as the obvious alternative Prime Minister. Bearing this in mind it was understandable that Mr. Grimond should have decided to give a press conference after his visit to America, though what he actually had to say was a little disappointing. I am all with him when he pleads for a new political initiative' to avert breakdown in Brussels, but I have a feel- ing that he should address himself to President de Gaulle rather than a British audience. Nor was it any too clear what this new initiative should be. Mr. Grimond's plea that we should dissociate ourselves from President de Gaulle seemed rather unnecessary under the circum- stances. Perhaps Mr. Gaitskell's death really comes too late- for the Liberals after all.