25 JULY 1835, Page 8

Qrb, Catlin.

ON Sunday, the King and Queen attended divine service, in the pri- vate chapel at Windsor Castle; after which, the King took an airing in an open carriage with Sir Matthew Ridley, who arrived at the Castle on the preceding evening. It is not said whether Sir 'Matthew obtained a promise of his much-desired Peerage from the King in the course of his morning's ride. Their Majesties returned to town on Tuesday afternoon. On Wed- - nesday, the King held an investiture of the Order of St. Patrick. The Earls of Cork and Howth received the honour of knighthood from bis Majesty. The usual Levee was then held. Lord 1Villiam Pen- tin& was presented, on his return from India. The general company was not numerous.

The Queen, with a small party, went to the Italian Opera on Tues- day evening, to witness the performance of Puritan/. On Thursday afternoon, their Majesties left the palace, to visit the Earl and Countess of Mansfield, at Caen Weed as the Royal Caval- cade passed through Hampstead, it was surrounded by an assemblage of gentlemen on horseback, with flags and trumpeters, and a crowd of people. A triumphal arch had been erected on the top of the Heath, decorated with laurel boughs, silk streamers, &c. The company at Caen Wood was very numerous ; upwards of eight hundred being en- tertained in tents on the lawn. In the evening, the triumphal arch was illuminated, and there was a display of fireworks as their Majesties returned to town. The expense of the arch was defrayed by subscrip- tion, to which the tradesmen of Hampstead were significantly recom- mended to contribute by their richer neighbours. Yesterday, their Majesties, with a party in ten carriages and four, proceeded to Woolwich, and were pres.sitt at a grand review and sham fight on the common. The roads in all directions were crowded it an early hour, by persons anxious to witness the show ; and many steam- boats filled with passengers were observed going down the River. The . concourse- was immense; the weather very fine, though warm ; tic King and Queen looking remarkably well ; and every thing passed off in fine style. There was, however, one eceitieet a bugleman, sta- tioned to give notice that the River was clear, Lebec rockets and shells were let off in the direction of the River, received a severe wound in the leg from one of the rockets.

The Duke of Sussex removed on Sunday from Kensington Palace, to an inn on the brow of Epping Forest, where he intends to pass a short time ; as he suffers under a slight pulmonary attack, which a change of air is expected to cure.