25 JULY 1840, Page 11


The following are the rates of foreign postage fixed by the bill now before Parliament. For all letters between Dover or any other port in the United Kingdom to Calais or any other port in France, a packet-rate of 3d. Between 'France and any place in the United Kingdom distant from Dover, or any other port, not more than eight miles, 5d. The postage is to increase according to the distance of the place from the port. When the distance is more than eight miles and not more than fifteen, thy postage to be 6d. ; when more than fifteen and not more than twenty, 7 d.; exceeding twenty and not more than thirty, 8d. ; exceeding thirty and not more than fifty, 9d. ; to any greater distances, a uniform rate of 10d. All London letters to and from France, and letters passing through London, are to be charged 10d. The postage to Spain, from any part of the United Kingdom, if the letters be transmitted otherwise than through France, is to be 2s. 2d. Between London and Malta, the Ionian Islands, Greece, Syria and Egypt vii France, lod. ; to Germany, Holland, and Belgium, Is. 4,1. ; to Switzerland, (rid France,) -Is. 2d. ; to Spain, Italy, Sicily, Venetian Lombardy, Turkey, the Levant, and the Archipelago, (rids France,) 19. id.; when conveyed through Holland or Belgium, Is. Sd. To Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, and other parts of the North of Europe, Is. 8d. Between any part of the United Kingdom and the United States of America, a uniform rate of Is. To any port in Por- tugal, Is. 7d. ; to Brazil, 2s. 7d.; to Buenos Ayres, 2s.. 5d. ; to St. Domingo, Is. 3d. ; to Cuba, or any port in Columbia or Mexico, 2s. ld. In addition to the foregoing rates, with certain exceptions in favour of letters passing through France and those to the United States of Ame- rica, there is to be charged the inland postage, the same as on unpaid letters. There are other regulations for the transmission of letters be- tween foreign ports, which would require too much space to particu- larize, and they are so complicated as to be almost incomprehensible.