25 JULY 1840, Page 15


Parlay. ECONONIY, The Ptineiples ol Population, and their Connexion with Haman Manliness. By

MPhil:01d Alison, F.D.S.E., Advocate, sic., Author of Ilistory of Europe

daring the Fiona' Revolution. tehteeorl «ad &mg.

POPULAR Bouevrtori,

A Praetieal Inquiry into the Philo:n:11y of Education. By James Gall, " Inventor

of the Triangular into for the Mind," &it. ■ 14(1 Slanemaa; Gall and Sin, Elinbargh.


Wanderings in Germany: with Moonlight Walks on the Banks of the Elbe, the Thumb'', the Neckar, and the Rhine. IV Edward Wilkey. Ball and Arnold.

Flan SPORTS, The Moor and the Loch: containing Practical !finis mi must of the IIi■dfland Sports, and Notices of the Habits of the different Crealows of Wine :old Prey iii the 'Mountainous Districts of Scotland, with an Essay on 1,,:eh Ei.Jdog, its. John Cultnhoun CI 11; b: .13,t:it?,•Q;11,