25 JULY 1840, Page 6

Mr. Dunn was brought before Mr. Justice Bosanquet, at his

cham- bers, ou Tuesday, on a writ of Habeas Corpus, to make application for Mr. Dunn was brought before Mr. Justice Bosanquet, at his cham- bers, ou Tuesday, on a writ of Habeas Corpus, to make application for his discharge from custody. his application was founded on technical, objections to the articles of peace exhibited against him before the Magistrates, and to the Thrill of commitment. The case was remanded,

for the articles of peace to he produced_ before the Judge; and Mr.

Dunn was taken back to prison. Mr. Bodkin, the counsel for Miss Coutts, at the close of the proceedings stated, in contradiction of Mr.

Damn's assertion that he had received letters of encouragement, that in the articles of peace she most distinctly swore that she never gave him any encouragement either directly or indirectly, by letter, word, sign, gesture, or otherwise.

Mr. Dunn was again brought before :Nit. Justice Bosanquet, on Thurs- day ; when the articles of the peace exhibited against hint were pro- duced. Ile commented on thews with great legal subtlety, and made several objections With a view to show that the commitment was invalid. Mr. Dunn was very much excited during parts of his long address ; and • said he inferred front Miss Contts not having returned his letters, that she favoured his addresses. Mr. Justice Bosanquet decided all the points against him ; and he was ordered to be taken back to prison un- less he could procure the required sureties. This he said he could not

do : he were sent back to prison all his prospects would be ruined, and he might as well cut his throat.

A person named Harris, who possesses an independent fortune, and is the owner of freehold property at Hammersmith, was committed at Kensington Petty Sessions, on Wednesday, for six weeks' imprison- ment, with hard labour, for having. induced his nephew, a boy about twelve years of age, to steal a quantity of wood front unfinished houses in his neighbourhood. When the house of the prisoner was examined, it was found to be stuffed with wood. 'flue boy, who was charged with the robbery, was dismissed, as he had been acting under his uncle's instructions.

A horrible case of murder, followed immediately by the suicide of the murderer, occurred on Monday morning, in Caroline Buildings, Elliot's Bow. Southwark. These are the circumstances, as stated by the witnesses at the Coroner's inquest. Lucy Wetherley, a married woman, about twenty-eight years of age, some time ago formed an ha- proper intimacy with William Healey, an itinerant showman ; and he induced her to leave her husband and live with lihn. The husband, a costermonger in Caroline Court, a man of weak intellect, forgave her, and she returned to his house ; and they had been living together very peaceably. On Monday morning, during the absence of Wetherley, Healey paid a visit to his wife ; and soon after he entered the house cries of murder were heard. A neighbour ran to the house ; and on looking through the window, he saw Wetherley's wife partly naked and covered with blood ; and Healey was holding her in his arms, attempt- ing, as the witness described it, to " job" a knife into her throat. She extricated herself from hint, and ran into the court screaming "Mur-

der!" and there fell down from loss of blood, and shortly afterwards expired. Some of the neighbours, on going into the house to seize the murderer, found him cutting his throat before a looking-glass ; and before he could be prevented, he had inflicted a wound which shortly after caused his death. It appeared front the evidence of some of the witnesses, that Healey had several times exhibited symptoms of in- sanity, and that latterly he had been suffering from want. The Coroner's Jury returned a verdict, " that the deceased William Healey was guilty of tine twofold crime of murder andlelu de se."