25 JULY 1840, Page 8

It appears by a return made of the transactions of '

the Bank of France far the year leste, that the average of specie exceeded that of the circulation by 14,1100,001i francs, and that a dividend was neverthe- less made to the proprietors of 14 per cent. for that year.

The Gazette de 111wirid states the amount of national property sold during the month of May to be $4:1 domains ; the purchase-money of which, added to that of :10,874 reels previously sold, amounts to- 1428,s55,2es reals (12,28e4,5521. sterling.) A letter dated Vienna, July loth, speaks of a duel between the Vice- President of the Aulic emoted of War, Field- :Marshal Count Mens-

dorff Pouldi, and a young man attached to the Embassy of a Great Power. Count Mensdorff is uncle to her Majesty Queen Victoria and to the Dittchess de Nem ours. Time particulars of the duel, or the cause of quarrel, are not given.

We have mentioned that Colonel Murray had conic from Paris to Brus- sels, to surrender himself prisoner on an accusation of attempting to assassinate his wife on the Boulevard of 'Waterloo. In the month of November last, mu handsome lady, mounted on a while horse and fol- lowed by a servant in livery, was tithing her usual ride in the Boulevard

of Waterloo, when all of a sudden she perceived her husband, whoa

she believed. to be at !':iris; being rather alarmed at his appearance, site (tweed round, descended the Boulevard, and went hung. On her return she again saw her husband on the Boulevard : he had in his hand a cane of unusual dimensions. On retureing home with her ser- vant, the ftir A nelson saw the vestibule spoeed With blood ; on ex- amination it was found that the servant's horse lmd mt. wound near the. tail, front which blood flowed in abundance. M. Doutreligne, one of our ablest veterinary surgeons, was sent for, and declared the wound was

caused by a fire.artu ; but as no report was heard either by the lady or

her SO' \Init., it was concluded that an air-gun must have been used. Such are the facts on which the accusation of Colonel Kent Murray is founded. The Colonel, however, meets the accusation by pleading an alibi : he affirms, in a memorial which he has lately delivered, that to the month of November last, and especially on the day when the attempt was made, he did not leave Paris. We arc assured that lie adduces the minutest details, and offers to prove this alibi ; while several witnesses who have been examined in the preliminary preeedings declare that they saw' the Colonel at Brussels some days after the alleged attempt; and Mrs. Murray, her man-servant, and her maid, declare that they could not be mistaken.—Brussels Paper. Letters from Naples mention an appalling occurrence at the opening of the railway between Naples and Portici, on the 20th of June. lie ,„11Y ny was not finished all the way, and the completed portion ter- minated at a bridge over a torrent. The engineer, it is stated, was fidyed with apoplexy ; and the engine being without a guide, rushed off the rails at the termination, -and plunged all the carriages into the water. The number of persons in the carriages is estimated at three hundred; all of whom were seriously injured, and twenty were killed on the spot. The King of Naples•and the Royal Family intended to have gone in the train, but were persuaded not to venture on account of the dangerous condition of the road.