25 JULY 1868, Page 22

A Long Vacation in the Argentine Ass. By H. O.

Roes Johnson. (Bentley).—The reader should be told that the " Argentine Alps" are the highlands of La Plata or the Argentine States. Mr. Johnson, writes pleasantly and sensibly when he gets free of English polities,. and ceases to talk about Mr. Eyre and the negro. Those who may wish to take their long vacation trip in regions which tourists never- visit (the magnificent length of holiday which college tutors still enjoy would give time enough), and those who may be thinking of emigra- tion, cannot do better than read this book. The writer has travelled much, and is a shrewd observer; and he gives many hints which are likely to be useful, as, for instance, when be says that there is plenty of employment in Buenos Ayres for Englishmen who have some knowledge of business, and that sheep-farming does not answer under the present conditions of trade in the Argentine States.