25 JULY 1903, Page 23


[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have sot been reserved for review is other forms.] Household Brigade Magazine. (J. J. Keliher and Co. 2s. 6d. net.) —A special number of this magazine has been published in com- memoration of the King's birthday. Certain veterans express their good wishes for the magazine, among them the Duke of Cambridge, who very naturally declines to begin writing articles at the age of eighty-three. Of professional contributions we may mention a delightful drawing by Mr. Reed of "Prehistoric Polo," and Colonel Newnham Davis's interview with a lady author who was bent on writing a " martial novel." He will watch, toys she of

her hero, "through the night by his arms in the Guards' Chapel." " Will he watch," asks the interviewer, "by the sword he is going to leave behind him, or the short rifle ho is going to take ? " He gives us, too, a description of a South African battle,—" firing every now and again at something they couldn't see " ; and at night a Staff Officer comes along and says, "Another glorious victory ; the enemy has retired three miles to a still stronger position." There are some excellent portraits, and taken as a whole, we congratulate the editors on a very successful and interesting issue.