25 JULY 1914, Page 17



(A CORNISH CHARACTER.) GA.LLOPIN' JOE be the fancy name us calls him in the Port, Tho' tisn' for looks he've got the name, be baint the hurryin' sort He'm lastest out and lastest home when us do lanai an' haul, Exceptin' when he be so last be doesn' start at all.

His jersey be a packet of holes, but that don't worrit Joe, For lie allays goes with his jumper on so his jersey shouldn' show ; An' he wears a rope around the place where his waist belongs. to be, For buttons be much too slow for Joe, an' "Braces be danged ! "sez he.

Gallopin' Joe don't worrit hisself what people sez and thinks ; When plaguey varmints calls him names he awnly smiles an' winks ; For " Stiddy an' slow," sez Gallopin' Joe, "be a handy motto to keep," An' "If 'ee looks for long enuff, there baint no need to leap."

Now years agone when Joe was young an' maids was aisy to get, He used to walk with a dinky maid, but they isn' married yet ; For money were scairee an' housen scairee, but still Joe didn' worry, An' tho' the maid bad saved her clo'es Joe sez "An' what's the hurry P " Now maids don't count to wait too long when they'm been walkin' out, An' Joe's maid sees the rocks ahead an' puts her helium about,' An' off her goes to Hendra's Farm, an' afore a month was done, Her'd stood in front of Passim Geake an' married Ole Hendra's


'Tis years agone. Young Hendra does ezactly as he'm told; He doesn' drink, be dursn' smoke, he'm awnly growin' old; , While Gallopin' Joe strawls round the Port an' tells what he

do know, There isn' a motto that's half so good as hisn' " Stiddy an' slow."