25 JULY 1952, Page 19

Holidays in Scotland

SIR,---1 anus's references to Scotland as a holiday country were of more than usual interest to me, as I have just returned from my first visit there (my wife and I experienced the downpour he mentions). We endorse all that Janus says about the country, the people and the food. We found that folk were kindly disposed to the traveller, and anxious to help him in any way, and we were amazed at the variety of bread (plain and fancy) and cakes, etc., on sale in even small shops.

Perhaps some of our Scottish readers could enlighten me on why many of the churches of the Church of Scotland (except in " tourist " centres like Edinburgh or Stirling) are kept locked; and also as to whether the excellence of the Scots in matters gastronomic can be traced to the strong association of their country with France existing

through several centuries.—Yours, &c., J. HOWARD WRIGHT. 46 Forest Road, Loughborough, Leics.