25 JUNE 1831, Page 18


The-Guildford, Johnson, with a valuable cargo, left Singapore for London on the -_-29th of December, and has not since been heard of. Speculative insurances have been done on her at Lloyd's at 40 per cent. Arrived. At Gravesend, June 19, Jupiter, Weldy, from Mauritius. In the -Downs, June 23rd, Coromandel, Boyes, from Bengal and Madras ; 24th, Zenobia 'Owen, from ditto; Henry Porcher, Redman ; Royal Saxon, Petrie ; and Stokesby, .Johnson, from Bengal. At Madeira, June 2nd, Edmund Castle, Cairns, from Liver- Tool for Batavia. At St. Helena, April 28th, Sir Joseph Banks. Frazer, from Ceylon and Mauritius. At the Cape, April 13, Orontes, Baker, from Bengal and Madras ; 14th, Arab, Drysdale, from Bengal. Off the Cape, March 16th, Thalia, 13iden, from London' for Bengal; April 13, Lord Hungerford, Farquharson, from Bengal and Madras for London. At Madras, Feb. 10th, Neptune, Cumberlege ; 18th, Catherine Fenn ; and Mary Ann, Hornblow ; 21st, Tam O'Shanter, Lindsay all from Lon:, don. At Bengal, Livingstone, Pearce, from Liverpool. At Halifax, May 18th, Ann and Amelia, Richards, front China. Sailed. From Gravesend, June 20th, William, Paull, for Mauritius ; 21st, Lady 111‘Naughton, Faith, for Madras; 22nd, Sophia, Thornhill, for Bengal ; 23rd, Co pernicus, May, for ditto. From Liverpool, June 20th, Lisbon Packet, Wilson, for the Cape. From St. Helena, April 28th, H. C. ship General Kyd, Nairne, for Bom- bay and China.

Spoken. H. C. ship Duke of York, from London for China, 17th of May, 3 deg. north, 22 deg. west.