25 JUNE 1859, Page 10


STOCK Exclution, Pam*: Arrzavoox.

The position of affairs in Prussia and Germany in connexion with the present war, caused a considerable amount of uneasiness in the Stock Ex- change on Monday, and the Funds were consequently depreciated at least per cent ; there is a growing fear that Prussia will ultimately if not shortly be drawn into hostilities, and this fact alone was sufficientto produce the gloom which was then observable. The Indian news of dissatisfaction spreading among the European troops likewise produced great heaviness. Consols were first quoted 94 921 ex div., (1 below the closing of Saturday,) and were afterwards pressed by public sales down to 921, and late in the evening to 92; business has since been active and a fluctuation of f per cent has taken place. On Tuesday a recovery from this depression was es- tablished of about 4 per cent; Consols were eagerly purchased by speculators to close engagements, and the result was that from 926 921, the Market ad- vanced to 924, closing firm at 921 921. There have, however, been but very few operations of any magnitude, the dealing public evidently awaiting the result of the next and imminent collision between the belligerent armies.

The majority of bargains have lately been for the fall, and yesterday there was a transaction of 100,000/. in Consols. There is hardly anything doing today, though a recovery of per cent has taken place upon the open- ing. Consols mark 911, but leave off 921 921. Money has been in rather greater demand, but in the Stock Exchange short loans on Government Securities are at very moderate rates. The Bank Directors at their weekly court yesterday made no alteration in the mini- mum rate of discount. Exchequer Bills, 23 26; Bank Stock, 219 221 ; In- dian Debentures, first issue, 944 944; Ditto, Scrip, 931 94.

The Market for Foreign Securities has this week been in the most quiet and inactive state. The late rise has barely been maintained, and in Turk- WI stocks the decline has equalled 3 per cent. There is, however, so little

ml business doing just now, that should Continental politics take a voumble turn, the pnees in this market would be materially influenced, and a great rise might be expected. Money continues abundant, there being but little employment for it in so great an absence of business. Mexican, 171 18; Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 84 86 ; Peruvian Three per Cents, 63 65 ; Turkish Six per Ceuta, 71 73; Ditto New, 58 60; Buenos Ayres, 74 76 ; Buenos Ayres Three per Cents, 17 18; Victor Em- manuel, 86 88 ; Sardinian, 80 82; Russian, 101 106; Spanish, 41 42; Por- tuguese, 42 43.

The transactions in the Railway Share Market during the past week have been on the most limited scale, the public having, to a considerable extent, ceased purchasing since the late advance. The traffic returns are highly favourable, and the forthcoming dividends are expected to show an im- provement upon the corresponding dividends of last year. The markets all round close with very little alteration in quotations. The following are the last in the leading undertakings—Midland, 984 99; Great Western, 54 544; London and North-Western, 891 90; London and South-Western, 90 91; Caledonian Shares, 391 39j; London and Brighton, Ill 112 ; North Stafford, 41 41 discount ; Sheffield, 35 351; Leeds, 891 901 ; South-Eastern, 191 206. The French Railway Market is inanimate and speculative operations at a stand-still; Lombardo-Venetian Old, 1411 die.; Ditto New, 11 14; North- ern of France, 36 364; Paris and Lyons, 3325. The Indian Market is flat, but investments by the public contuaue ,• the news from India has naturally had an adverse influence, Madras 201. Shares, 19 194; Great Indian Penin- sula, 98 100 ; and East Indian, 100 101. SATURDAY, TWILLYR o'CLoce.

The intelligence of a great victory on the part of the Allies, published in a second edition of the Mmes, has created a very general firmness, and Con- sols, which left off yesterday 921 921,, are now quoted 921 924; business is, however, very limited in either the English or Foreign Market.