25 MARCH 1837, Page 14


THERE will be abundance of playhouse amusement for the holyday- rankers this Easter, which will compensate for the lack of other sights. Indeed, were these more numerous. a roaring fire would be the most attractive entertainment during such u North.easter as this. Every theatre in London will blaze on Easter Monday—the Lyceum only excepted, which is to open with a French company on the Monday following. The extension of the season of the Minors, by which they gain two months during the best part of the year, when the town is &Hest, and before the weather gets too hot for playgoing, is a boon indeed. They owe it entirely to the good-nature of the King; who, if he granted it at the personal solicitation of VESTRIS, as report says, did no from a sense of the injustice and impolicy of limiting the sea. sons of theatres at all. The old restrictions as to time, however they may exist formally, are virtually done away with : and the Lord Chem. berlain's ()tibial tyranny is superseded. When players and managers are aggrieved, they will now know where to apply for redress. YATES and Vesenis are making good use of their privilege. The moveable stage of the Adelphi will be put in requisitinn, and the whole force of the company he brought forward to give effect to a splendid romantic spectacle, called The King of the Danube and the Water Lily— a piece that we are told has been as popular in Paris as Robert the Devil or the Wandering Jew; and which YATES, as in those instances, is the first to produce in this country. The Olympic will present a dramatic version of the Rape of the Loch ; VESTRIS being Belinda. The subject is admirably well adapted to display the chatacteristie elegance of the costumes and accessories at this theatre. Riret with the Taft, which has lost none of its popu- larity, will be the ulteraiese : there could not be a better.

At the St. James's, a new musical drama, by Mrs. S. C. Hem., will be brought out, after the Postilion.

The New Strand commences its season with a dramatic version, by shaman; of his comical story Mr. Pepperm rn at Home. Not content with dramatizing his own drolleries, Remits, has taken up the Pichwiehians, which will he the next novelty. The new City of London Theatre, in Norton tailgate, opens with a company which inclu les several old favourites from the English Opera, and puts forward Mr. Pieltwich and his followers as the leading attraction. Old Wteuems will make a far better representative of that worthy per- sonage than HARLEY. HAMMOND will play Sam Weller at the New Strand; and JOHN REEVE, it is said, at the Adelphi. At Covent Garden, MACREADY and VANDENHOFF will appear in King John ; and a new Eastern melodramatic spectacle, called Nou. reddin, will be produced. FARREN and SHERIDAN KNOWLES are like- wise engaged by the new manager, Mr. 'Metes JONES.

At Drury, Mr FORREST will deal out his sledge-hammer blows, and dazzle the senses of the holyday folks with his finery, in the character of Richard the Third.

At the theatres over the wines, as well as the one on the water, the audience will no doubt feel themselves in their element, and be full of spirits—and beer.