25 MARCH 1837, Page 8


Mr. O'Connell has written a letter to the Cork Southern Reporter on the subject of the Irish Poor-law. He advocates an amendment be proposes to move, for the exemption of all land except pasture-land from the poor-rate, on the ground that the owner of tillage-land al- ready, by the employment of labourers, contributes his share to the support of the poor. Mr. O'Connell also gives his opinion that the amount proposed to be raised under the new law will be too small.

The Reverend Mr. Magee, Vicar of St. Peter's, Drogheda, brother of the Archdeacon, has been suspended by Dr. Beresford, the Primate, for one fortnight. One of the charges was, his refusing to allow the Reverend- George Needham, Curate of St. Murk's, to act as

• sponsor for the son of Captain M'Culloch, because he bad seconded a resolution at a meeting in the Methodist chapel, to circulate the Bible in foreign parts.

At Antrim Assizes, on Tuesday, ninety-six individuals were in- dieted for walking in procession, on the P2tb July, at several places in the North of Ireland. They all submitted, and were sentenced to one month's imprisonment each in the county gaol. Owing, however, to the perfect impossibility of providing accommodation for such a vast accession of numbers in the gaol, Sir Thomas Staples, on the part of the Crown, moved an arrest of judgment; the recognizunces to be respited until next Assizes, or until culled for.