25 MARCH 1848, Page 12



The English Stock Market, which had evinced symptoms of improvement from the commencement of business on Monday, received an additional impetus on Wednesday by the intelligence from Vienna of a rise in the Austrian Funds of 9 per cent, in consequence of the political changes there. The upward movement continued till yesterday, when the price of Consols had reached 831, being an advance of 21 per cent from the opening quotation of Monday. A decline to 83 then occurred, and the downward _movement was continued today to 82k: from that point the market improved; several influential purchases for money carried up the price to 831, and after some downward fluctuation it closes at 83i E; thus marking an advance of more than 3 per cent from the lowest price. The opera- tions have been of the same character as those of recent weeks: the purcham being for money, and the sales of a speculative character, Stock is not quite so scarce as it has been: a sale by the Chancery Broker caused a temporary supply; and some additional Stock has been thrown upon the market by capitalists who have raised loans upon it till the April Account. The cheapness of money has rendered this an easy operation at the rate of 1 per cent per annum. Exchequer Bills are rather firmer, and the premium has advanced to 32s.

In the Foreign Market, the business has been of more steady character than recently; and the better class of Dividend-paying Stock rather more in demand, —or rather, perhaps, the disposition to sell is not so evident. The change in price, however, has not been very material, and nothing like a general disposition to investment in Foreign Stocks at the present low prices is observable. A suspension of cash payments has occurred in Belgium as well as France. The exchange upon Paris is today froth 26.75 to 27, being a depreciation of nearly 8 per cent. The commercial accounts from France are of a more unfa- vourable character than any previously received; in fact, all commercial transac- tions may be said to be at an end. The time .for the payment of commercial bills is postponed till the 15th April; and as all legal proceedings are interdicted for three months except with the permission of the defendant, it is totally im- possible to enforce the payment °Pony pecuniary claim. Bills, however, drawn


upon mercantile houses in Paris at short dates, are negotiable in London; the condition being, that if the bill be not paid in Paris at maturity, the drawer in London shall pay the amount, with reasonable expenses, upon its production here, without any protest for nonpayment being required. It is stated that much of the money obtained from France in this way is invested in Consols, and that the rise in our Funds is partly owing 'to those investments. The failure of the house of D'Eichtal, intelligence of which was received today, is an indication of the pressure under which the commerce of France is suffering at present That house, with securities in its possession to the amount of four times its liabilities, has been compelled to suspend from the utter impossibility of real- izing its assets.

The Railway Shares are nearly ett the same fnides as last -week. A decliie of from 11. to 21. has occurred in many of them ; but the lost ground has in most cans been recovered. The market was better when the English Funds improved yesterday, and an impulse was given today by the improvement of this afternoon;


but there is no general disposition to investment. The French Shares are slightly firmer; the proposal to convert them into Goverinnent Stock being considered as favourable to the interests of the holders.

The accounts of the Bank of England, for the weekending the 18th March, exhibit when compared with those of the preceding meek the following results- BANNINLi DEPARTMENT. bureau. Decrease.





Other Deposits 247,899

r* Seven-day and other Bills 30,120

Government Securities, including Dead-weight..


2,741 Other Securities

58,139 Notes unissued 431,675

Actual Circulation



Notes issued Bullion



- Total Bullion in both Departments Ms wet.

15,123,141 Last week.

14,947,164 Actual Circulation 17,438,090 17 691,020


The opening price of Consols was 881; the market has since improved, the quotation having reached 831, and being now 831 E. The purchases for Money have been resumed this morning, and the demand for investment seems still un- satisfied. The Foreign Funds are at yesterday's prices, without the occurrence of important business. The Railway Shares are higher, and there is more inquiry for this class of security than we have been able to notice for some time; the following are the principal transactions: Eastern Counties, 131 1 1; Ditto, 5 per cent, No. 1, *discount; Great Northern, 41; Great Western, 92; 'Blackwell, 51; North-western, 1271; South-western, 46; Midland, 1001; Norfolk, 63; South- -eastern and Dover, 23E; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 291 30; Ditto, Original Newcastle and Berwick; 281 j; Ditto, Extension, No. 1, 16; York and North Midland, 64; Boulogne and Amiens, 7*; Paris and Lyons, 11; Rouen and Havre,

8*; Sambre and Meuse, 5*. --

3 per Cent onso Ditto ibr Account 3 per Cent Reduced

st per Cents

I 831 1 abut

Danish 3 per Cents

Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents.

Mexican 5 per Cents 1846. :

40 2 60 2 141 15

Long Annuities shut . New Grenada 13 14

Sant Stock for Account shut Portuguese N.4 per Cents 1842 14 16 Exchequer Bills 30 32 prem• Portuguese Old 1824 64 70 India Stock shut

Russian 5 per Cents

85 90 Brazilian 5 per Cents 67 72 - Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 121 1 Belgian 41 per Cents


Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 22* 1 Buenos Ayres ---- Venezuela 20 3 Chiller' 6 per Cents