25 MARCH 1865, Page 2

A case is going on in Glasgow which we mention

chiefly because it may suddenly become interesting. Dr. Pritchard, a very skilful surgeon of that city, has been arrested on suspicion of having poisoned his wife and her mother. The suspicions seem to originate with a doctor who attended both, and who Obviously believes in foul play, 'but they are as yet unsupported by • any facts except a statement by independent •surgeons that there was no appearance of natural disease in the two bodies. The contents of the stomachs have been examined, but the result has not been made known. Meanwhile Dr. 'Pritchard, who strongly denies any foul play, has been committed to prison, and the Scotch papers affirm a liaison between him and the house- maid, and state that -three years ago a fire in Dr. Pritchard's house in which a female servant was burnt excited the attention of the police. Dr. Pritchard's character seems to be entirelyaiu his favour.