25 MARCH 1905, Page 22

NEW EnrrioNs.—Outlines of the Life of Christ. By W. Sanday,

D.D. (T. and T. Clark. 6s. net.)—This volume is a reprint of the article "Jesus Christ," contributed to Dr. Hastings's " Dic- tionary of the Bible." It is intimated that the author has a larger work on the same subject in hand, and that meanwhile only a few changes have been made in the article. A notable feature is an improved map of the Sacred Sites, taken from various sources, and brought up to the latest stage of knowledge ow the subject.—We have also received a "Popular Edition" of that most interesting and generally admirable book, The Cities of India, by G. W. Forrest (A. Constable and Co., 5s. net).— In Mr. W. Heinemann's edition of " The Works of Heinrich Heine" we have Vol. XI., containing Germany, a poem in twenty- eight capita, and Romancer°, Books I. and IL, translated by Margaret Armour (5s.)