25 MARCH 1905, Page 3

On Wednesday evening Mr. Ainsworth moved his Resolu- tion condemning

Mr. Chamberlain's Fiscal policy as embodied in his proposal to impose a 10 per cent. duty on all imported manufactured articles. He was seconded by Mr. Richard Cavendish, who, in an excellent speech, ridiculed the resolve of the Prime Minister to treat this as an academic discussion. Mr. Balfour, who followed, defended his change of front on the ground that on the occasion when the Previous Question was moved he thought the House ought not to set the example of passing a Resolution which might prevent the Colonial Con- ference from acting with absolute freedom. Holding that those who were responsible for this Motion were animated by the desire to embarrass the Government, he did not think it necessary to take part in any discussions which might be raised in that way'upon the Fiscal question, and would advise his