25 MARCH 1911, Page 1

On Tuesday in the French Chamber there was a scene

of exceptional disorder. The Chamber was debating the proposed creation of an Under-Secretaryship of State in the Ministry of Justice and the transference to that Ministry of the Prisons Department, which now belongs to the Ministry of the Interior. M. Jules Roche, who opposed the creation of the Under-Secretaryship, admitted that it would he legal, and M. Monis later, in making use of this admission, said, according to the Times, that the Government had had the good fortune to encounter an honest man. The Right and Centre rather unneeessarily took this compliment to mean that the other opponents of the measure were not honest. For half an .hour M. Monis tried vainly to make his voice heard, and the Socialists and some Radicals stormed the benches of the Right and tried to shout their new neighbour's down. The Government ultimately gained its point, but it seems destined for a stormy career, and we suspect it will not be a long one.