25 MARCH 1911, Page 2

Under the heading " Fiction and Morals" a letter appears

in Wednesday's Times calling attention to the character of certain novels issued by publishers of repute and until recently circulated by leading libraries and sold at public bookstalls. These books, it is pointed out, even where they are not indecent in the ordinary sense of the word, are debasing and demoralising in their whole tone and tendency. Appeals to their authors or publishers proving fruitless, the signatories appeal to parents and schoolmasters, and all to whom the training of young girls and boys is entrusted, to do their utmost to prevent the circulation of such books, and express the hope that an association may be formed out of the many societies now existing for the special object of raising the moral tone of the country in this particular matter. "From such on association an advisory council could be formed, through which help could be obtained in ascertaining the character of books, and wholesome pressure bought to bear on publishers, circulating libraries and bookstalls to maintain a higher standard." The letter is signed by Lords Radnor Mount- Edgcumbe, Mountgarret, Balfour of Burleigh, Sir Thomas Acland, the Dowager Lady Dufferin, Mrs. David- son, Sir John Wolfe Barry, Sir John Williams, M.D., Sir James Crichton-Browne, Sir Clifford Allbutt, F.R.S., the Headmasters of Eton, Winchester, Rugby, Westminster, St. Paul's, Shrewsbury, Fettes, Repton, Merchiston and others. Any one wishing to support the movement is requested to communicate with " A. B.," at 1/, Church House, West- minster, S.W.