25 MARCH 1949, Page 18


Sut,—The following figures illustrate " the encouraging tendency for local politics to follow their own rhythm," to which Mr. Hodgkin referred in his article. There have been 69 London Borough Council by-elections since November, 1945, in which Conservatives have gained 21 seats from Labour and lost none. In the constituencies in which these by-elections were fought there has been a turn-over from Labour to Conservative of 68,960 votes out of a total poll of less than 200,000.

May I correct two slight errors? There has certainly been a good deal of friction between the L.C.C. and the Borough Councils on housing questions, but as the Boroughs have no powers in education any discern- ible friction must have been caused by the LaboUr administration beating the air, which has been the only perceptible movement in the field of London education since the end of the war. Secondly, although I know that Limehouse, Mile End and Whitechapel have been amalgamated, I hope that the " safe Labour division " of Stepney has not altogether disappeared but has only been temporarily mislaid by Mr. Hodgkin—and that it may prove not quite so safe for Labour as is generally expected.

—Yours faithfully, MAGNUS WECHSLER. Conservative L.C.C. Candidate for Stepney. 85 New Cavendish Street, W.r.