25 MARCH 1955, Page 17

HARD LINES SIR,—It is clear that John Betjeman has com-

pletely missed the point of 'Hard Lines' which he quoted so inaccurately in 'City and Suburban' notes on February 4.

Here is the correct version : He never could remember, so of course he found his Rep, Hard lines; And he never heard the bell, and so was late for early prep., Hard lines; And though it's nice to doze, Yet, as every navvy knows, Upon sleepers they impose Hard lines.

This was not intended to be a school song as 'Forty Years On,' etc., were. The writer, R. St. J. Ainslie, had already given to Sedbergh such songs as 'The Long Rua,"The Cricket Song' and 'The Football Song, which, if he troubles to read them, John Betjeman will find are in no way inferior to their more famous Harrovian counterparts.—Yours faithfully,


West Leigh, Marton Moor Road, Nunthorpe, Middlesbrough