25 MAY 1833, Page 6

Sir John Nicholl, time Judge of the Arches and Prerogative

Courts, has been appointed Judge of the Admiralty Court, in time room of the late Sir Christopher Robinson. [This appointment wee not filled up until extreme inconvenience and no inconsiderable loss had been sus- tained by many parties who had business in tile Admiralty Courts. The seizure of the property of neutrals in the Dutch vassals detaiired under the embargo, would have furnished more than the missed e.Aploy- nmelit for a judge, just ;tt the time when no judge was to be fOund. But we presume that the fear of another defeat in a Metropolitan election intel f. red with tic 2.1inisterial 'mien for promoting Dr. Lushington. air. Pollock, on Tuesday, applini to Chief .1115 Lice Dei limit, OR be- half of Lord Teynhatn, to fix en mea-ly day on v. hich he mitt gh t be per- micted tit 1110ve fur it rule to shoe,. \VIIV the verdict lately eivell agaiest his 1.ordship, for obtaiiiing money melee false pretences, ellould mit be set aside, and a new trial grail lad. Thursday next was appointed by the Court for that purpose.

Last term, Mr. John Williams obtained a rule in the Court of

Kilig's Bench, calling upon .11.Ir. Parry, a barrister of Lincoln's The, to show cause why a criminal information should not he filed against him for sending an insulting letter to Sir Paul joddrell, calcu- lated to provoke a breach of the peace. The particulars were fully re- ported at the time the rule was obtained, and arose out of certain trans- actions connected with the lunacy of the late Sir P. Joddrell. Sir James Searlett and 2,1r. Justin mm Thursday showed cause against the rule. After which, the Lord Chief Justice said the Court were of opinion that this was not a case that called for the evnei.,e of its ex- traordinary jurisdiction : the rule was therefore discharged. A bill of indictment, preferred by the parochial authorities of St. Mary's, Whitechapel, has been found by the Middlesex Grand Jury against Mr. Alderman Scales, for refusinn.6 to serve the office of over- seer of the poor for that parish, to which office be was appointed on Easter Monday last, by the united voices of the parighioners. The case will be tried during the next sessions. Mr. Scales claims exemp- tion on the ground of being an Alderman of' the city of London.