25 MAY 1861, Page 9


THERE was "no House" last night. When the Speaker appeared at four o'clock but few Members were present, and after waiting for a short time, as a quorum, forty, did not arrive, the House adjourned. • A telegram was received last night, by the Adriatic vii St. John's and Galway, bearing date New York, lib), 14th. It is of considerable interest.

"The blockade of the Virginia waters is complete. A precautionary notice has been issued for all vessels to leave those waters within fifteen days. "Charleston, Savannah, and New Orleans will be blockaded within a week. "The Maryland Legislature has adopted a resolution condemning the war, and discountenancing the interference of the Federal troops. "Fort McHenry, in Baltimore, has been reinforced. "General Butler, with two thousand troops, and a section of artil- lery, has taken possession of Baltimore without resistance. Martial law has been proclaimed in the city. Thirty-one thousand Federal troops are now at Washington.

"VirginialiaS been admitted by tiletOitaiiite Congress into the Southern Confederacy.

"The Union movement is, however, spreading in Virginia.

"The number of Secession troops at Harper's Ferry is only six thousand.

" The Secretary of the Federal Treasury invites offers at current rates for the Treasury loan of 9,000,000 dollars.'