25 MAY 1934, Page 19


A Highland Gateway

North is north and south is south ; but I believe that the two will meet in exceptional rivalry at the Scottish National Show which is to be held just a month hence in Glasgow, a' city that in spite of its most urban state is the gateway to much of the most glorious and varied country in or about our island. Scotland descends in great force on southern shows ; and in one—at Smithfield—is all-conquering. No one has found a rival to the Aberdeen-Angus, except in its own offspring, the half-bred shorthorn, or perhaps one should add in the Galloway where it is solely a question of beef. It is right and proper that the south should return the com- pliment by flocking to the north ; and there are attractions in Glasgow which should ensure a large influx both from the south and from Wales. As to my own acquaintance with Glasgow and its neighbourhood, almost the most beautiful journey I ever took began in Glasgow and ended in Jura where still flourish both the golden eagle and the chough ; and the loons are as common a spectacle as once by Thoreau's house on Walden.