25 NOVEMBER 1837, Page 12

Mr. Thomas Duncombe and Lord Edward Thynne have made up

their quarrel. Lord Edward, in a letter to the former, begs pardon ; and says that he acted under misconception when be adopted a hostile course towards Mr. Duncombe. He also assures his friend, that if he is compelled to take the benefit of the Insolvent Act, he shall very much regret the loss Mr. Duncombe must suffer. His Lordship writes from the Queen's Bench. Mr. Duncombe, in reply, says that he wishes all personal differences to be buried in oblivion ; and hopes that Lord Edward will not be forced to take the benefit of the Act- " a course that cannot he less painful to the feelings than derogatory to the rank and station" of Lord Edward's aristocratic connexions.

In a few days, a case arising out of some turf transactions, in which Mr. C. Greville and Lord Craven Lie the litigant parties, will be tried in one of the Courts at Westminster.

Mr. Buckingham is now lecturing on Palestine, &c., at New York, where the mode of paying a half-dollar to see an ex M.P. of the Bei- t;sh Parliament is said to be very productive.—Globe.

Mrs. Southey, the wife of the laureate, after a long and painful indis- position, died last week, at the poet's house at Keswick.