25 NOVEMBER 1837, Page 20


A NUMEROUS collection of French and Italian Bronzes, imported for sale. are exhibiting at No. 16, Old Bond Street, aml will repay the trouble of inspection. They consist of several small groups and single figures, after JOHN of Bologsa and other modern sculptors ; some spirited castings of aaimals by lanrowre; two or three figures of the life size from tla, antique ; u fow busts; a noble pair of lions; and a variety of mip.ifkent races and candelabra. It would be unfair to subject ornamental ohjeets of this class to tho severe scrutiny mplicable to productions of pure nrt. Their merits should be appreciated relatively to their price and the wealtinanship they ure out of the pale of abatract criticism. We minim in: them to the notice of the virtuosi, and connoisseurs of the furniture of art.