25 NOVEMBER 1843, Page 7


An extra Gazette, issued on Saturday, contained the following notifi- cation, dated from Whitehall on that day-

" The Queen has been pleased to direct letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, nominating and appointing William Earl of Devon, Sir Robert Alexander Ferguson Bart., George Alexander Hamilton, Esq., Thomas Nicholas Reding ton, Esq., and John Wynne Esq., her Majesty's Commissioners for inquiring into the state of the law and practice in respect to the occupation of Land in Ireland."

Tuesday's Gazette announced several Colonial appointments. Dr. Spencer, Bishop of Newfoundland, is made Bishop of Jamaica. The Bahama Islands are constituted an Archdeaconry subordinate to the Bishopric of Jamaica, and Dr. John M'Cameron Trew is appointed the Archdeacon. Commander Edmund Norcott, R.N., is appointed Governor of the Gambia settlements ; Commander Thomas Cooper Sherwin, R.N., Emigration Agent-General for British Guiana; and Mr. William Henry Butt, Rector of Malta University.

Sir Augustus Wall Callcott, R.A., has been appointed Keeper of the Paintings in the National Gallery, in the room of the late Mr. Seguier ; and Mr. Charles Locke Eastlake, R.A., has been appointed Curator of the Royal Pictures at Windsor Castle and the Royal Palaces.

We are happy to state, that by a recent convention arrangements between the Post-office of England and Holland have been established, which secure to both countries a liberal redaction of postage.—Times.

It is reported in the City, that Lord Aberdeen has declined to enter into negotiations with Mr. Murphy, the Minister for Mexico, respect- ing the insult recently offered to the British flag ; and that the Earl means to send out a new Minister, in a frigate, to demand an apology. There was a misunderstanding before that about the flag, respecting strong terms which Mr. Doyle, our Chargé d'Affaires, had used in con- demning a breach of contract between Mexico and a British house there, about some assignment of customs-duties in satisfaction of cer- tain pecuniary advances.

The Duke of Bordeaux has taken for three months Sir John Shel- ley's mansion in Belgrave Square ; and is expected to arrive there from the North on the 28th instant.

The Viscount de Chateaubriand and his nephew, the Marquis d'Es- penills, with the Viscount de Tocqueville, arrived in town on Thursday afternoon, and took up their abode for a time at the York Hotel in Albemarle Street.

The Paris papers of Monday mention the arrival of Lord Brougham at the Chateau of Tholonet, on a visit to the Marquis of Gallifet. He was to proceed to his own seat of Cannes, there to remain two months.

Hymen has seized on an another accomplished English singer : Clara Novell° was married to Count Gigliucci, of Fermo in the Roman States, on Wednesday last ; and the bride and bridegroom left London for Paris and Naples immediately after the ceremony. With her name the lady has also relinquished a profession in which that name is so dis- tinguished.

Lieutenant Edward Waller Agar and Miss Dalzell, passengers in the Memnon steamer, which was wrecked near Cape Guardafai, arrived safely at Aden on the 9th September, with the remainder of the crew.

The Times publishes a letter from Lieutenant Eyre, dated Meerut, 18th September, to Dr. Wolff, offering to accompany the Doctor in search of Colonel Stoddart and Captain Cottony; the reports of whose death Mr. Eyre does not think trustworthy.

The Delhi Gazette publishes a correspondence, repairing an injustice done to a meritorious officer now no more; which we would gladly transfer to our columns, but that its length utterly precludes the doing so. In her Journal of the Disasters in Afghanistan, Lady Sale stated that "Captain Grant, with cold caution, obstructed every enterprise, and threw all possible difficulties in the way." This passage was re- ferred by Captain Patrick Grant, the brother of the officer in question, to Captain Johnson and Lieutenant Eyre. Captain Johnson gives most circumstantial evidence that Captain Grant braved danger while suffer- ing from painful wounds, and gave to General Elphinstone advice of an energetic kind, which was not followed. Lieutenant Eyre bears out that testimony. These letters having been transmitted to Lady Sale, with generous amplitude she deplores that she has erroneously cast an undeserved slur on Captain Grant's name ; having in the first instance been misled, and having sent away her manuscript during her cap- bony, unrevised.

Lieutenant Munro, the antagonist of Colonel Fawcett in the fatal duel, is about to surrender to take his trial on the charge of murder. A letter written at Inverness on the 18th instant says—" Lieutenant Munro passed through this town yesterday, on his way to visit his venerable father in Tain, previous to surrendering to take his trial at the forthcoming sessions of the Central Criminal Court, in reference to the late unfortunate duel with Colonel Fawcett. He arrived at Hall by one of the Hamburg steamers on Friday last."

The Morning Post relates an anecdote of the Duke of WellinFton- " A gentleman residing at Preston took upon himself last week to inform his Grace that a certain piece of land, formerly enjoyed by the writer's family, MRS now in the possession of another party ; and, as the property had originally belonged to the Crown, be felt that he was only doing his duty in pointing out to the noble Duke how the Crown might gain repossession of it. The answer is laconic, and characteristic of this distinguished man : it runs thus= London, Nov. 15, 1843. The Duke of Wellington has received Mr. --'s letter of the 11th instant. Mr. — should put to counsel learned in the law the question [?) which he has asked [?] of the Duke of Wellington. The Duke is the Commander-in-chief of the Army, not a counsel learned in the law."

The Farmer's Journal mentions a report, that "Ministers are not indisposed to listen to suggestions on the subject of a total repeal or considerable reduction of the present oppressive and vexatious duty on malt."

By the reappearance of the Times, on Saturday, as an active advocate for further alteration of the Corn-laws, the Morning Post is provoked to one of its very fiercest attacks on Sir Robert Peel as the author of all the mischief. In September 1841, it says, the agricultural party every- where triumphed ; and because it was triumphant Sir Robert Peel be- came Prime Minister : he has ruled six-and-twenty months ; and the result is, that the landed interest has greatly fallen from its high estate, and the opponents of the landed interest have greatly risen- " We take leave to say, that with such facts as these upon which to decide, it seems nothing short of mere fatuity to recommend that the lauded interest should rely upon the policy of the present Government—unless that policy undergo a eery marked change. Our powerful contemporary the Times now thunders for a fixed duty. It has been taunted with inconsistency on this account ; but it answers, that it is perfectly consistent, its opinion having been for twenty years in favour of a fixed duty. We do not impugn this statement,; let it be so. All that we claim to be noticed is, that whatever the opinion of the Times may have been, it did not in September 1841 thunder for a fixed duty, as it does now. The country appeared then to be utterly against a fixed duty. It was altogether for the landed interest, for protection, and for the sliding scale. It is not so now. The mercantile interest thinks now, as pen- haps it thought then, (though it said nothing,) that a moderate fixed duty would be better than the sliding-scale; and the Times forbears not its thunder. If the landed interest were as strong as when it made Sir Robert Peel Prime Minister, it is probable that no such thunder would be heard. Why is not the landed interest now so strong as when it made Sir Robert Peel Prime Minis- ter ? There's the rub. It is a question which the members of the landed la- tercet would do well very gravely to consider."

The Record asserts that an attempt made some time since to obtain a general concurrence of the Bench of Bishops in a condemnation of the " Tracts for the Times" failed, through the instrumentality of the Bishop of Exeter.

The Reverend Sydney Smith sends another letter on American " in- debtedness " and " repudiation " to the Morning Chronicle; which, if it does not advance the question, will at all events amuse the reader-

"Sir—Having been unwell for some days past, I have had no opportunity of paying my respects to General Duff Green; who, whatever be his other merits, has certainly not shown himself a Washington in defence of his country. The General demands, with a beautiful simplicity, 'WHENCE THIS MORBID HATRED OF AMERICA ? But this question, all-affecting as it is, M stolen from Pilpay's Fables. A fox,' says Pilpay, 'caught by the leg in a trap near the farm-yard, uttered the most piercing cries of distress : forthwith all the birds of the yard gathered round him, and seemed to delight in his misfortune; hens chuckled, geese hissed, ducks quacked, and chanticleer with shrill coekadoodles rent the air. "Whence," said the fox, stepping forward with infinite gravity, "whence this morbid hatred of the fox? What have I done ? Whom have I injured ? I am overwhelmed with astonishment at these symptoms of aversion." "Oh, you old villain!" the poultry exclaimed, "where are our ducklings? where are our goslings ? did I not see you running away yesterday with my mother in your mouth ? didyou not eat up all my relations last week? You ought to die the worst of deaths—to be peeked into a thousand pieces." Now hence, General Green, comes the morbid hatred of America, as you term it. Because her conduct has been predatory ; because she has ruined so many helpless children, so many miserable women, so many aged men ; because she has disturbed the order of the world, and rifled those sacred treasures which human virtue had hoarded for human misery. Why, is such hatred morbid? Why, is it not just, inevitable, innate ? why, is it not disgraceful to want it? why, is it not honourable to feel it ?

"Hate America!!! I have loved and honoured America all my life; and in the Edinburgh Review, and at all opportunities which my trumpery sphere of action has afforded, I have never ceased to praise and defend the United States; and to every American to whom I have had the good fortune to be introduced, I have proffered all the hospitality in my power. But I cannot shut my eyes to enormous dishonesty ; nor, remembering their former state, can I restrain myself from calling on them (though I copy Satan) to spring up from the gulf of infamy in which they are rolling-

' Awake, arise, or be for ever fallen.' "I am astonished that the honest States of America do not draw a cordon sanitaire round their unpaying brethren ; that the truly mercantile New Yorkers and the thoroughly honest people of Massachusetts do not, in their European visits, wear an uniform with S. S., or Solvent States,' worked in gold letters upon the coat, and receipts in full of all demands tambouxed on the waistcoats, and ' Our own property' figured on their pantaloons. "But the General seems shocked that I should say the Americans cannot go to war without money : but what do I mean by war? Not irruptions into Canada—not the embodying of militia in Oregon; but a long, tedious, maritime war, of four or five years' duration. Is any man so foolish as to suppose that Rothschild has nothing to do with such wars as these? and that a bankrupt state, without the power of borrowing a shilling in the world, may not be crippled in such a contest ? We all know that the Americans can fight : nobody doubts their courage. I see now in my mind's eye a whole army OR the plains of Pennsylvania in battle-array ; immense corps of insolvent light infantry, regiments of heavy horse debtors, battalions of repudiators, brigades of bankrupts, with Vivre sans payer, on mourir 'on their banners, and 'ire alien& on their trumpets: all these desperate debtors would fight to the death for their country, and probably drive into the sea their invading creditors. Of their courage, I repeat again, I have no doubt : I wish I had the same confidence is their wisdom. But I believe they will become intoxicated by the flattery of unprincipled orators; and instead of entering with us into a noble competition in making calico, (the great object for which the Anglo-Saxon race appears to have been created,) they will waste their happiness and their money (if they can

get any) in years of silly, bloody, foolish, and accursed war, to prove to the world that Perkins is a real tine gentleman, and that the earronades of the Washington steamer will carry farther than those of the Britisher Victoria, or the Robert Peel vessel of war.

"1 am accused of applying the epithet 'repudiation' to States which have not repudiated. Perhaps so : but then these latter States have not paid. But what is the difference between a man who says, I don't owe you any thing and will not pay you,' and another who says, I do owe you a sum,' and who, having admitted the debt, never pays it ? There seems in the first to be some slight colour of right ; but the second is broad, blazing, refulgent, meridian fraud. "It may be very true that rich and educated tneu in Pennsylvania wish to pay the debt ; and that the real objectors are the Dutch and German agricul- turists, who cannot be made to understand the effect of character upon clover. All this may he very true ; but it is a domestic quarrel. Their churchwardens of reputation must make a private rate of infamy for themselves—we have nothing to do with this rate. The real quarrel is the Unpaid World versus the State of Pennsylvania. "And now, dear Jonathan, let me beg of you to follow the advice of a real friend, who will say to you what Wat Tyler had not the virtue to say, and what all speakers in the eleven recent Pennsylvanian elections have cautiously abstained from saying, 'Make a great Tort; book up at once and pay.' You have no conception of the obloqu) and contempt to which you are exposing yourselves all over Europe. Bull is natinally disposed to love you ; but he loves nobody who does not pay Lim. his imaginary paradise is some planet of punctual payment, where ready money prevails, and where debt and discount are unknown. As for me, as soon as I hear that the last farthing is paid to the last creditor, I will appear on my knees at the bar of the Penns3lvanian Senate, in the plumeopiceau robe of American controversy. Each conscript Jonathan shall trickle over me a few drops of tar, and help to decorate me with those penal plumes in which the vanquished reasoner of the Transatlantic world does homage to the physical superiority of his opponents. And now, basing eased my soul of its indignation, and sold my stock at 40 per cent discount, I sulkily retire from the subject ; with a fixed intention of lending no more money to free and enlightened republics, but of employing my money henceforth in buying up Abyssinian Bonds, and purchasing into the Turkish Fours, or the Tunis Three-and-a-half per Cent Funds. SIDNEY Szerrd."

In a London paper we find some revolting specimens of "advertise- ments in the Brazilian journals "—

" Opportunity of obtaining a waiting-woman for 1s.! To be raffled for, a waiting-woman, with a child eight years of age, and other subjects of value. Tickets may be had at No. 91, Rua do Roselia."

" To be sold, a little Mulatto, two years of age, very pretty, and well adapted for a festival present (Christmas-box.) No. 3, Rua dos Latoeris."

" To be sold, a wet-nurse, Mulatto girl, aged twenty ; has very good milk; her first child now four months old. Rua da St. Pedro, No. 180."

" To be sold, a Black woman, five mouths gone with child, fit for all kinds of service. Largo de Paco, No. 5."

"To be sold, a waiting-woman, with milk, and with a son eight months old. She may be had either with or without child. Has the qualification of a good waiting-woman, and is without vice of any kind."

A batch of one-pound notes, to the amount of 1,400/., was paid into the Bank a few days ago on an executor's account ; and, no doubt, con- stitutes the greater part of those remaining in existence. The interest lost on capital lying dormant in such a shape must have been ertn6i- derable.— Times.