25 NOVEMBER 1876, Page 2

Visits like Mr. Cross's soften local rancours. Mr. Chamberlain, the

junior Member for Birmingham, is not the gentlest of de- baters, but while assisting in the reception of the Home Secretary he became perfectly genial, complimented him most happily on his Artisans' Dwellings Bill, and when he suddenly tried a little electioneering, turned the laugh on him in the most felicitous manner. Mr. Cross thinks the Tories ought to have the third seat for Birmingham, and asked why they did not obtain it. He thought the seats should be more equally distributed, and hoped yet to see the day when Birmingham would be in accord with her Majesty's Government. Thereupon Mr. Chamberlain rejoined that as to distribution, the easiest way to fulfil that wish was to accord to Birmingham her proper number of seats ; while as to Mr. Cross's aspiration, he cordially concurred in it, hoping, like him, speedily to see the day when Birmingham and her Majesty's Government would be in accord.