25 NOVEMBER 1876, Page 24

Lost Rose, and other Stories. By Katharine S. Macquoid. 3

vols. (Chatto and Windus.)—There are seventeen stories in these three volumes. We presume that they have been published before, and that they may, therefore, be dismissed with a brief notice. All may be re- commended to readers who may not have happened to have come across them before. Some of them will oven bear repetition. The scene in many is laid abroad, and these, for their greater novelty and freshness, will be, for the most part, preferred. " Fifine, a Story of Malines," is a good specimen of them, though we might, perhaps, venture to suggest that the heroine falls in love with a rapidity and a vehemence which is Italian or Spanish, rather than French. All are told with tender feeling and grace, all are free from a syllable of offence.