25 NOVEMBER 1899, Page 1

It is with sincere pleasure that we record the brilliant

feat of arms carried out in the Soudan by Colonel Wingate. On Thursday that gallant officer attacked and destroyed the force of Ahmed Fedil, the ablest supporter of the Khalifa left in the Soudan,—a force numbering some two thousand five hundred men. "The Dervishes charged with their old dash to within eighty yards of the guns." While our losses were very small, we killed four hundred Dervishes, took a large number of prisoners, and a quantity of grain and rifles. Abu Aadil, where Colonel Wingate defeated Ahmed Fedil, is "situated half-way from Faki-Kohi (or Koya), on the White Nile, to El Gedid, the whole distance being forty-three miles" Though there will still, we suppose, be Dervish troubles in the Soudan, this very successful action should tend greatly to the ultimate pacification of the country.