25 NOVEMBER 1911, Page 1


NEITHER from Tripoli nor from China has any news of real importance been received during the week. In the case of Tripoli we presume that this means that the Italians are preparing for some important action and are anxious that no hint shall reach the Arabs through foreign telegrams. A message, however, in the earlier part of the week stated that the Turkish attacking force had 'Aired a distance of some five or six miles and that a good many guns had been abandoned. We trust that the Italian action, whatever it is, will not take the form of an attempt to send large columns into the desert in pursuit of the Turks and Arabs. Italy's policy is to hold the coast and forbid all trade with the interior till the Arabs, as they will in the end, come and ask that the trade routes to the sea may be reopened. Then Italy can make terms with her new subjects, and if she is wise they will be generous terms. Friday's telegrams from China state that the Imperial forces at Nanking are in difficulties and that it is expected that the city will soon fall into the hands of the rebels.