25 NOVEMBER 2006, Page 28

Vote Ukip to leave the EU

From Robert McWhirter

Sir: Matthew Parris (Another voice, 18 November) quotes Yeats: ‘The worst [in politics] are full of passionate intensity’. He then goes on to imply that that refers to Ukip, whereas the Lib Dems, by contrast, are ‘moderate’. It was Lord Jenkins who once said [of the EU] that ‘You can’t be half pregnant. You must be either totally in, or totally out.’ Far from being ‘the worst’, therefore, Ukip is one of only two mainstream parties facing up to political reality. Further, we espouse low taxation, once core Tory doctrine. We will decline to stand against currently serving Better Off Out MPs (of whatever party). We have the only workable solution to sorting out the mess our fishermen are in, and regaining control of our borders — repealing the Treaty of Rome.

The British public has, post-Maastricht, consistently shown a majority in favour of leaving the EU; the three main parties LibLabCon — refuse to grant them any such thing. It was the Tories who signed the treaties of Rome, Maastricht, and the Single European Act. Labour signed Nice and Amsterdam. By all means label these as extreme, Mr Parris, but please don’t tar the Eurorealists with the same brush.

Floreat Britannia!

R.A. McWhirter Frankfurt, Germany