25 NOVEMBER 2006, Page 44

D AVID G ILMOUR The most stimulating thing I have read this

year is Richard Dawkins’ brilliant new book, The God Delusion (Bantam Press, £20). One can hardly read a page without feeling that, if only monotheistic fundamentalists everywhere (in America as well as Asia) could absorb even a tenth of it, the world would be a safer and more peaceful place.

Max Egremont’s Siegfried Sassoon (Picador, £25) is a wonderful biography of a fine poet and complicated man, a triumph of deep research, stylish writing and empathic talent. The Classical World (Penguin, £9.99) by Robin Lane Fox is a great classical historian’s magisterial view of the epic centuries from Homer to Hadrian. And Vyvyen Brendon’s Children of the Raj (Weidenfeld, £20) is a scholarly, sympathetic and entertaining survey of the many trials and sporadic joys of British children in India and in exile at Home.