25 OCTOBER 1834, Page 5


A fourth and last letter from Mr. O'Connell to Lord Duneannon has made its appearance. It is written with bitterness and vigour; but, though headed " Hurrah for the Repeal!" has little to do with that question. 'the Ministers are again quite out of favour with his Irish Ablest), ; and poor Lord Ihmenumon is informed that, as no pub- lic man, he is in (Irk vably ruined. The late law appointments, and especially the ncleetit/1 a the 'fury Mr. likek hurtle in the oflice of Attorney- Genterol, are the catensihle stinaatits of the Agitotor'a wrath. Ile glees a long list of the violent Km:curling,: of the Onanga- Inen in dilravtit palls 01 the 00100 ry, tool bilines the t;ocettiturant for

not taking advantage t f them to hint, an Irish The following are some of the its ins in Lis bill of indictment : we take it up at the sixth count.

" Sixthly 'flora agaia rt.rt wet. ptlye4 toto your hands in the 'Pont h as well a• in the Ninth. .1 1t,1es:10041 ot, I All. Th:• reverend brother of Soohera .15acta. awl salt ester::niam,r- alitontht a MI.. h1s Prsrair, lo collect his lithesi, at a Loom, ter c••111. to the ter. This e llrAur i s sI ooit lo say, to '.%lagiitrate„ end procure; Ives .• (*a •tle a . 5,4:541. or at I••ast purporting to he by that ;.•elt 1.i1“ 1.11. Will a:is tio,a1 -to do whir. ? lie, to make use or his Ata- g,dtni..i narti. to. tln• 1,•tter to et..ble Lim to let y per, mat. with his em- 115:10',Vti:;',.;;;i::!erl:it"...'.1'.1:.I.::lr';"117.•••••■'•rar'..1.o:p :tot.' lii;■I'arlii::nntst.n:t",)■it iitert•al you avail y•o!:••elvet this opportunity to cleanse the Castle and the !llag:•:.- I ra,y or ,.11 11,4 to.... 0.ta4.•10,.01 is the granting this Ms' hi; cwoatti,,ion to the lute olio.; v.. 00: Ili.. l out

" •--Gan is toot all CAMS,: is euueielyd, Hi appears by the reports of

tW,111:011 e, t 1.,11- . of i ,oust a.el ly.aouieal ontragii oval las, I1 e 1: •,t1,1,,,1,, AC: t.ta'.m. bis i.,, . . -- signed, sir ',qr.., tin.; to be sigir.•,!, • Co •-,•i1 he Ire liatid•s,II•s. Yes, he carries sad his rout, ■Irst-tt,t with 1..in,1curs; r.a.1 ols. losia f rtanate you are lessthan teeailist See • tt-1 si;:. situ. and vablish a' Brion t'suit Is' csantiatidatory address to him-- for what. I oaks' a--fur stint? A1111 [7,11 I ao•li yon have any one of the ei..diteen in the to...mission of Ow yes, you will hate them all Litt 0111.i- ar • 71 ‘11r:g. allot :0110 0010 Trots,.. cla,■:1,,s ILI, into y0:01 hails. There 1:a; been Ili, eekly-pub- liAlle.1 Con-et vat ive li,s1..exhibit.ot2 Jost what would wish Li ene.ries to elltibit• - folly. and tai-o•!mal, .Ind (my, toil ilM11011i3C Malignity there Iterol.s, the Iscres oats. th, Boer. ! liandeta 11eresilml in the Sualla, the Reverend l'otve.re 13-resrOrd in the Noah. will, :! a jot ial imeltele of my father the Bishop, and my ant the sears bog rorale, who OM...SI:pub ••• 1Lr taro-us, and the I.ce; month to ,1 for at tli.• rate ul joatneyraut taihrr's 11 by should oci tltes: yon 1.:11.1 and 1..0.4? hey are ere.ttitre, of the system which ton tast.,10 to ternii.•:::..e, as 1 w Lich thcy at,i,.; you to termi. ate, if you were politie:Cly l'es, loy ex,losiog how h.:artless, lam cruel, how tyrannical, ho". deb.s:able drat system is ; aml yoo', and yet the People of Ireland in vain ask, when will y sot begin to shwa iii.y hos:illy to that sys'emi"

The death of Judg.t Jehb afforded Ministers an opening for tint, pre- ferment of Liberals.

" The death or Je1,11 gave you an opportunity which if there were amongst yen one rell”eat psd,C. dt v Nee, astdd hats' Sei7...11 OM You (4111111 have, Jr you

lint- a. loanol the AIt•rueyd:etn•l al the tasttralit y of the beneb, and easily ',- moved h • t',,,,leon Pleas, where, a; to lawyer, reicole front politics, he woed e •.o.,; 1 , .••!.;11•1

Ira!! t• him i t bis office, so ittlInenthd over all the details of the ad. . I e npott yea solemn::, :111.1 MO,. name of indignant

11 .• r,m1 the addres,ed to noe by a highly lespectable

so!' • • , -- man of great !:dents and lurch mot al courage, reaoy to "every a,serttou he u.ale ? His letter was first published • .• I aoerwar.ls in the other papers. Did you retool his ioiall.11.1ring the rosciit Attorney-Generalship, juries. in ,,st iniportance, were chosen ! ! Not one word of Mr. Ford's e .s1.•ntentF :rm.!, in a p111:.:.: let:er to Lord Anglesey, no

the -1,1:i 1,,a1 ilia!, the wsea■ Atleiney-t;einualshii.?

Ili,: ti.une, and int:di:dust by :1:1. charles

t • atilt gentl,•ollen blot Wier ' in in (LI loll,. of (:011111n1:°S,

. Coo ro mil:. of K old ire, daring the pr.- not

. the Nttiol.er fen that the

you hear or read the charge, Mai: I felt!, (Ma for ytta Ito W oflicers, of (Ire %.00.:00

I It is la toilet on •oltw. plays 1:110