25 OCTOBER 1856, Page 10

The Postmaster-General, finding that " much confusion is created by

let- ters marked registered' being deposited in the letterboxes instead of being given in at the windows of the post-office, and proper receipts obtained, notifies, that " on and from the 1st November next, all such letters will be liable to a registration-fee of Is. in addition to the proper amount of post- age ; and that the amount of this fee, or such portion of it as may not have been pre-paid, will be charged to the person to whom the letters are ad- dressed." This has been done to check a practice which " operates prejudi- cially to the well-working of the system of registration, which now secures the safe transmission of about a million of letters annually." •

In the same notification, the Postmaster-General again calls " the at- tention of the public to the very baneful practice, which is still most exten- sively resorted to, of sending valuable letters by the post without having them registered ; and he would urge that it is a moral duty to refrain from subjecting the dicers of the post-office to unnecessary temptatian."