25 OCTOBER 1884, Page 2

At Kensington, on Monday, Sir Charles Mike commented in contemptuous

terms on Lord Randolph Churchill's blundering criticism of the Draft Redistribution Bill. He showed that almost all Lord Randolph's facts and figures were wrong, and, therefore, that the inferences he founded on them were erroneous. He, however, agreed with Lord Randolph that the scheme gave an undue representation to the counties as com- pared with the large borough constituencies, and promised to co- operate with Lord Randolph in any effort to increase the represen- tation of the boroughs beyond what was proposed in that scheme, —though, if he did so, he must, of course, add to the strength of the Liberal Party. He showed that it is in the largest boroughs that the Liberals are really strongest ; that even of the Metropolitan boroughs; the most populous, excepting, indeed, the Tower Hamlets, return only Liberals ; while the strength of the Tories is in the least populous.