25 OCTOBER 1902, Page 23

NEW EurrioNs.In the "Scott Library" (Walter Scott Pub- lishing Company,

la. 6d.) we have University Sketches, by John Blenry Cardinal Newman, with Introduction by George Sampson. The "Advertisement," dated almost exactly forty-six years ago, tells us that these papers were reprinted from the Catholic Univirsify. Gazette. That they are well deserving of study need hardly be said. 'Perhaps it may be as well to add that they are by no means obsolete. Many of the questions which they touch are still alive,.and even 'may be said to burn. Mr. Sampson's intro- duction will be found informing, though we are very far from accepting all the opinions which it enunciates. It is curious to see the author disclaiming the intention to be controversia14--" a preface like this is no place for such high adventures "–Land yet telling us that Newman in two of the essays "simply devastates the position of the English Church claiming lo- be at once a divinely endowed Church and a State Estab- lishment." Ifthis is not controversial, what is? Perhaps; 16. Sampson's idea of being non-controversial is to affirm, not to argsle. :Aftel-, 'all, the "Free Church in a Free State" never was and never can be. It is claimed for Papal Conclaves- that theY, are directly inspired by the Holy Ghost, yet' the. Great Powers Were allowed a veto. This was to say, the AlmiglitY.'".1iiiiiirr the choice, but it must not bo Cardinal or 64ditral.."---In the " Biographical Edition oi. the Works o Charlee Dickens" (Chapman and Hill, as. 6d. per Vol.) we have 'Oliver 'Twist and The Life and Adventures of Nic4olas- Nicklehy, being Vols. III. and IV. of the series of eighteen in which ific;•eiiiMon is to be completed. The circumstances of both priblications are related in the "Biographical Introducticins." The for Oliver Twist is not stated; but it was worth Dieketusis while to pay 22,250 for the copyright land stock;" fOr Icieldeby he received 23,000, the cOpy- right ':te TOert to him after five years.—In the "Corona- tion $eri■sa"(A. Treherne . and Co.) we have Westward //o

by 01)&rie;i' 41ingsley (2s. and is. nrt. in Tr.a.thPr

cloth respectively). The leather-bound volume is a special marvel of cheapness. One wonders what it would cost to have a single copy bound in this style.—In the " Caxton Series" (Illustrated Reprints of Famous Classics), Rosaiynde, by Thomas Lodge (George Newnes, 3s. Od. net).—Chemistry of the Farm. By R. Warrington, M.A. (Vinton and Co. 2s. 6d.)—A fourth revision and fifteenth edition, the first in a series of " Morton's Handbooks of the Farm."—Messrs. Cassell and Co. are bringing out in periodical parts (6d. net) their Illustrated History of the Boer War. It is to be completed in thirty parts.—How to Form a Library. By H. B. Wheatley. (Elliot Stock. Is. 6d. net.)