25 OCTOBER 1946, Page 25


[A Book Token for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week, November 5th. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and must bear the word " Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a zid. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below; and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.] / 2 3 4 NNE R NoIiio. lAl

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5 6 ACROSS x. Held over palm and pine, according to Kipling. (8.) 5. Her charges were evidently of the Manx variety. (6.) TO, No vines produce it. (7.) it. Equally applicable whether the um- brella is lost or old. (7.) 12. A gnu's tear (anag.) (9.) 13. Long-drawn in Gray. (5.) t4. She's*a lady at heart. (6.) 15. Paradoxically not descriptive of the actions of the man of foresight. (8.) 18. It can only be attained by friction. (8.) 20. Coward spirit. (6.) 23. Call it a day? (5.) 25. Sounded by the inexperienced? (9.) 27. Fairy with a dowry of stone. (7.) 28. Ingredients of a soda-bun. (7.) 29. American poet embracing a threadbare quotation. (6.) 30. " We are here as on a darkling plain Swept with - alarms." (Arnold.) (8.)


t. Sole source. (5.) 2. Gamente. (5, 4.) 3. Floral aspect of Cyrano. (7.) 4. A tenor in fanciful mood. (6.) 6. Scene of a stage murder. (7.) 7. Browning heard a twitter about them. (s.) E. The hound seems to be a subject for pity with Cornish fishermen. (9.) 9. A link with the past very illumin- ating. (7.) 04. Father of Rufus? (6, 3.) x6. Expenses which encourage the fielding side. (9.) 07. The arrangement of her sails divides the vessel's fortune. (7.)

I9. -Dire confusion in the fog. (7.)

21. Absent for some time but still in the field. (4, 3.) 22. Lead on (anag.) (6.) 24. It lacks both brim and peak. (5.) 26. No, but in Latin. (5.)