25 OCTOBER 1969, Page 40

Church, change and

Sir : Nobody would challenge the 1a5( graph in the Rev Allan Hawkins (18 October). This paragraph inch' statement of the purpose of the CI which the Church of England has ' admitted throughout its history—a demand for an "irrevocable corium life of the Body of Christ which is the lowship of the redeemed—redeemed rough baptism into His death and resurrec- . indwelt by His Holy Spirit, and united Him through the everlasting mysteries of Body and Blood'.

All are agreed. The question at issue is w to bring people to this irrevocable com- ment'. and to achieve the purpose of the urch. Mr Hawkins writes that he does not eve 'that indiscriminate baptising, marry- and burying do anything at all to forward purpose'.

Many would agree, but one could quarrel h his implied criticism that parish priests e no trouble over the administration of occasional offices and over the prepara- of parishioners seeking their use.

e easiest way is to give people in effect uestionnaire, including such a question as w many times in the past year have you ended Church?', and to baptise or marry persons concerned if they pass the re- red number of marks. Those inclined to- ds this approach would be encouraged the letter from Mr Hawkins.

t is more difficult and requires greater ence to discover how far in their com- ment parishioners have progressed, to IA how to lead them on, and to judge 'n it is time to visit and revisit them in r homes. It requires much hard work, but an bring results, as increasing congrega- in this and many parish churches bear ess.

1r Hawkins sees the Church serving its pose by an indiscriminate refusal to bap- . marry and bury many people who come 't for these services. Others do not see the irch serving any purpose by slapping Ii people in the face.