25 SEPTEMBER 1830, Page 3

Letters from Frankfort on the Maine, dated lath September, speak

of a movement in no fewer than forty of the states of Ger- many, with a view to put down the odious system of' laws, by which almost all the internal commerce of that portion of Europe has been converted into a system of smuggling, and wleallkee- poses an enormous tax on the consumers, while it brutalizes the character of the traders. Even in Vienna a rising is said to have been provoked on this account. At Frankfort, the mob seems to have been serious—one of the Burgomasters was hanged in effigy in front of the town-hall. The real hanging of a dozen or two of these municipal personages, will, we expect, be the upshot of their ignorant and vexatious regulations, unless they contrive very speedilfto alter them. When Austria begins to -reform, the Mil- lennium cannot be far distant.