25 SEPTEMBER 1909, Page 16


" SPECTITOR."1 Sin,—May I venture to enclose a little cutting from the Alliance News ? The Rev. R. J. Campbell's influence is con- siderable. It would be well if he could be got to see that the Budget is a paralyser that is more likely to destroy the common soul than to do what he expects. The calm assump- tion that those who object to the Budget do so on monetary grounds is perhaps natural, but is not true, and is mischievous.

"To INCREASE HUMAN II.unnivzss.—The Rev. R. J. Campbell, preaching at the City Temple on Sunday night, said the Budget was an attempt to get a little more of the good things of life for those who had little of them.. It was opposed by a class that wanted to keep these good things for themselves. It was true the Budget might do little or nothing for the spiritual uplifting of the people it benefited ; the point was that it aimed at increasing their happiness. The Budget was a sacrament whereby the love of God found its way to the common soul."