25 SEPTEMBER 1926, Page 15



think your readers may be interested in a series of Popular Talks" on "Travel Science, and Invention," to be given during October and November, in aid of King Edward's Hospital Fund for London. The programme is as follows :- Thursday, October 7th, at 5 p.m.—Subject : "Seeing by Wireless." Speaker : Mr. J. L. Baird (the famous inventor of Television). Venue: Royal Institute of British Architects, Conduit Street, W. Chairman : Sir Richard Gregory, D.Sc.

Thursday; October 14th, at 5 p.m.—Subject : "Flying To-day and To-morrow." Speaker : Air Vice:Marshal Sir Soften Brancker, K.C.B. (Director of Civil Aviation, Air Ministry). Venue : Royal Institute of British Architects, Conduit Street, W.

Friday, November 12th, at 5 p.m.—Subject : "Liquid Air." Speaker: Mr. W. E. Gamer, M.Sc. (Reader in Physical Chemistry, University College). Venue : Fyvie Hall, Polytechnic, Regent Street. Chairman : The Rt. Hon. Sir Douglas Hogg, K.C.,

Friday, November 19th, at 5 p.m.—Subject : "Artificial Pro- duction of the Human Voice." Speaker : Sir Richard Paget, Bt- (Fellow of the Physical Society of London, &c.). Venue : Fyyie Ball, Polytechnic, Regent Street. Chairman : Mr. Nigel Playfair.

Thursday, November 25th, at 5 p.m.—Subject : "How I Crossed the Sahara." Speaker : Mrs. Rosita Forbes. Venue : Largo Hall, Polytechnic, Regent Street. Chairman : Viscount- Burnham, C.H.

Friday, November 26th, at 5 p.m.—Subject : "The Romance of Refrigeration." Speaker :- Dr. E. H: Griffiths, F.R.S. (National Physical Laboratory, Teddington). Venue : Fyvie Hall, Poly.. technic, Regent Street:

The charge for admission is 2s. 6d. (12s. 6d. for the series, and 5s. for reierved seats (25s. for the series), and tickets can be obtained from the Secretary, King Edward's Hospital Fitnd tot' London, 7 WalbroOk; E.C. 4 (City 1803). All the lectures will be illustrated either by experimental-demonstra- tions or by -lantern-slides, and-will be of exceptional interest.— r am, Sir, &c., E. A. H. JAY, • • • Secretary, Committee for Propaganda. G.P.O. Box 465a, " 7 ,Walbrook, B.C. 4.