25 SEPTEMBER 1926, Page 2

* .* * On Thursday, September 16th, the elections took

place of the new non-permanent members of the Council of the League of Nations. It had been arranged, of course, that in order to give a start to the new rule that the non-permanent members should sit for three years and that three of their number should be renewed each year, a completely new set of nine members should be elected this. year. The first ballot was simply for the purpose of choosing the new nine members without reference to the question of how long they should serve. The nine chosen were Colombia, Poland, Chile, San Salvador, Belgium, Rumania, Holland, China and Czecho- slovakia. At the second ballot Poland, Rumania and - Chile were chosen to serve for three years. At the third ballot Holland, Colombia and China were chosen to - serve for two years. At -the fourth ballot Belgium, San Salvador and Czechoslovakia were chosen to serve - for one year.