25 SEPTEMBER 1936, Page 20


[To the Editor of THE Sraerxrcia '

Sin,—As admirers of The Spectator, iiOng with many other fellow-readers, on, " an island in a remote archipelago off the north coast of Scotland," .we shall be grateful if you will allow us to record, in your next issue, that theiribabitantA of our island, not made blase and cynical by the more sumptuous trappings of the south, thoroughly; enjoyed the entertainment Which -your Contributor describes under a thin disguise. The " daft :Mid man " quite endeared himself to us and wa were filled with wonder and amazement at ini boundless energy and. Suppleneis, and at the excellence and variety of the whole entertainment.. Your contemptuous 'Contributor should bear in mind that while travelling companies are of necessity, rare visitors in our remote archipelago, The Spectator freely eirculates there. So when he again has ari'OppOrtimity of reviewing a similar entertainment, in a 'similar environment, may " the admirable local whisky so AOften his henrt that hiwill not write such an unkind and macabre article on 'ifie iiiijeet.-7-We are,

North "Rohaldsliay,'Orkriiby. "