25 SEPTEMBER 1999, Page 41

Improper Tories

From Mr W. Cameron Sir: Peter Hitchens may wish us to accept that he is a 'proper Tory' (Tortillo is not a Conservative', 18 September). I don't believe it. He is a parvenu, whose anti- democratic Trotskyite origins shine through clearly with his comment about William Hague's 'failure to silence Michael Hesel- tine and Kenneth Clarke'; he leaves unsaid the basis on which these two are to be silenced. I think that most 'proper Tories' care about our liberties and free speech too much to be taken in by Mr Hitchens and his shrill rantings. Why is it that converts always seem so extreme, whether they are ex-smokers or born-again Christians or, as in this case, a refugee from socialism?

Mr Hitchens writes that he can under- stand a schoolboy having a picture of Trot- sky or Che Guevara in his locker, and, I understand, he desires to be taken serious- ly. His article in your magazine last week does not serve this end in my case, but then I don't live in Kensington and Chelsea so he probably doesn't care — just so long as he realises his chances of advancement in the Conservative party are minuscule even if, by some miracle, he is selected by those K&C mavericks.

Bill Cameron

88 Moraypark Avenue, Culloden, Inverness