26 APRIL 1834, Page 10



Tie determination of the Bank Directors, to which we alluded last week, has, for the present at least, entirely removed the pressure upon the Money Market, and restored the confidence of our capitalists. Money has become abundant, and it dispwition for investment again is manifested. It is very generally believed, that the Government have deter mined toeffect the reduction of the Four per Cents. in the course of the present year, if possible. To this end it is understood that the large sums of money recently received for the purchase of Life Annuities, in- stead of being appropriated to the West India Compensation Fund, will be placed at the disposal of the Commissioners for the reduction of the National Debt ; and dial the first appropriation took place to-slay, when a purchase of 22,000 New :3i per Cents. was made by a Government broker. From various causes, little of the Compensation Fund will be required for some time; and hence the:present application of the amountalluded to. The money to be thus invested is variously stated ; but we believe it to be about 400,000/. India Stock still continues in demand ; and is to-day at 2621. The reduction about to be made in the other negotiable Securities of the Company, to which the Angle. Indians have been accustomed to look for investment, must in the ordi- nary course of things tend to enhance the value of this Stock still further.

In the Foreign Market, some investments have occurred in Dutch Stock ; and this deseription of security is in greater demand than for some time past. The last price of 21 per Cents. to-day is ZiOi R. The European Stocks generally are also higher ; though the transactions in them have not been extensive. Sour q demand has oceut red for Brazilian Bonds ; and the price has been as high as 7:11 ; but a decline has since taken place, and they are to-day at 721. Spanish Bonds have been, as usual, the objects of much speculation ; and the fluctuations in them have been extensive. The recent treaty of alliance between France, England, Spain, and Portugal, together with the promulgation of the decree for the convocation of the Cortes, has given an impulse to speculation. The price of Cortes Bonds has been as high as rki,1 ; it has since fluctuated between 341 awl 3.5!., and closes this afternoon at 34A 1. From the same cause, the Bonds of the i'oruguese Regency loan have improved in price ; and after having been, in the course of the week, at 74, closes this afternoon at 731. Some speculation has occurred iu Columbian Bonds. The price has been as high as 271 ; but a reaction has since occurred : the closing price this afternoon was 26. SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCE. With the exception of Sparl'ish and Portuguese floods, the prices of Stocks generally are at yesterday's quotations. A report is prevalent that intelligence has been received from Madrid rya Cadiz, that a decree has been promulgated by the Spanish Government by which the Cortes Bonds have been recognized, and that the holders of that Stock will receive an equivalent in Spanish a per Cents. This, however, appears only to be a revival of a rumour long since prevalent in Loudon, and though it produced a temporary effect on the price of the Bonds, is not considered worthy of belief. The price of Spanish Stock has been 351, and is now 34i 351. Portuguese Regency Bonds were at 74k; but have since receded to 7:1; and are now 731 1. We cannot learn that any intelligence has heen received from Lisbon to justify this momentary advance.


The Comet! Market continues firm. At one moment the price;for Account was 91, ;` ; but this quotation has not been maintained, and the closing price is 91?. it. India Stock is in demand, and has reached the high price of 264.

Very little variation has occurred is Spanish Bonds. Portuguese Stock closes at 73/ 1. Some inquiry has occurred in the course of the afternoon for Mexican Bonds, which are now 411 42i. We are not aware of any intelligence having been received from Mexico to which this improvement can be attri-

3 per Cent. Consols Ditto ea Account 911 } 914 1 Dutch 24 per Cents French 3 per Cents 50} 1


New 3} pr Ceti. Annuities .. 99t 1 Greek, 1833.5 per Cents loaf 4 Bentz stock 214} Mexican 6 per Cents. 414 24 India Stuck for Account 2634 4} Portuguese 5 per Cents. 73} 1 Exchequer Bills 48 49 Do. Regency Scrip 5 per Cent. 734 1 Belgian 5 per ('cats. 99} 100 Prussian. 1818, 5 per Cent...


Brazilian 5 per Cents 724 Russian, 1822, 5 per Cent .. 104} 5

Danish 3 1.,er Cents

73} 4 Spanish. 1821,6 per Cent.... 341 5} butable.