26 APRIL 1834, Page 9


The Cork Herald publishes a letter from Mr. Standish Barry, dated the 16th of April, and addressed to Mr. E. Roche, in which Mr. Barry states, that he has now taken the final resolution of keeping his seat, and also of exercising uncontrolled his free agency as a Member of Par- liament regarding the Repeal question. Mr. Barry, it appears, has re. ceived several applications from persons of great influence among the electors, urging him not to vacate ; and after having shown these letters to Mr. O'Connell, the latter gentleman, it is stated, concurred with Mr. Barry's friends in thinking that he should not resign, and that he is quite at liberty to act according to his own judgment, by voting for or against Mr. O'Connell's motion.

Mr. Lucas and Mr. Westenra are candidates for the representation of Monaghan.

Two regiments of infantry, and one of dragoons, left Dublin on Monday, on board a steam-packet for Liverpool; orders to that effect having been despatched, according to the Dublin Evening Mail, in con- sequence of the movement iu London and the manufacturing towns' in England.

Mrs. Carson, widow of the late proprietor of the Clonmel Advertiser, is committed to the gaol of that town, on a writ at the suit of Mr.

Ronayne, M. P., for 14.11aL damages given against that paper for a libel an his character, at last Clonmel Summer Assizes.