26 APRIL 1835, Page 11



A discussion of interest arose in tile French Chamber of Deputies on Wednesday, relative to the abolition of Slavery in the French Colonies. M. Isamesier, as the representative of the free coloured people, who are large slitveowners, warmly advocated the necessity of emancipation, on a principle of compensation to the masters. M. MAUGUIN endeavoured to alarm the Chamber by painting in strong colours the disastrous state of things in St. Domingo, and insisting on the heavy amount that would necessarily become payable to the planters. M. MAtreein receives a salary of 1200/. a year from the slaveowners to defend their interests in the Chamber. The Duke DE BROGLIE, though President of the Society for Emancipating the Negroes, discouraged all meddling with the subject, until the result of tile English experiment should be seen ; and it is said that the feeling of the Chamber is decidedly against any attempt whatever at eman_ cipation.