26 APRIL 1856, Page 10



The transactions in the English Funds this week have been limited; and, under.the influence of sales by the Court of Chancery,preparations for the final instalment due yesterday on the new Loan and Exchequer Bill fund- ing, forming a total of 1,050,0001.-with the large number of absentees, some of whom left town as early as Monday for the Naval Review-dullness has prevailed. Consols have been dealt in at f below the rate of_last week : yesterday they closed at 921 3 ; today they have declined to.921 / and 921 I for.the Account, upon the expectation that the bullion return by the Bank of Englund this evening will be unfavourable. Bank Stock is 1 lower. In the Stock Exchange money is in demand at 51 to 6 per cent ; and until it become cheaper there appears but little prospect of permanent improvement, particularly with the probability of a fresh Government loan. The discount-houses are charging rather below the Bank rate. The French Funds have been weak, and have declined about 1, but the rate of exchange is still favourable. At Hamburg and Amsterdam, the quotations are firmer. At the former place, the rate of discount, which had been recently 7, is now 61 per cent. The average amount of bullion in both departments of the Bank of England, for the month end. lug the 16th March, was 10,569,754/. ; an increase of 20,2061. compared with the preceding month, but a decrease of 2,944,652/. in comparison with the same time last year. In the Corn-market there has-been very little al- teration. The specie received from America this week amounts to about 411261.

In Foreign Securities there has been less doing than for some time past ; but the onli perceptible movement is a decline of 1 in Turkish Six per Cents, and in Mexican, Spanish Three per Cents, and Deferred. ways have been influenced by the circumstances affecting other de- partments : the operations have been chiefly sales and a decline has oc- curred in the following-Great Western, 3/. ; Great Northern, 11. 10s. ; Lan- cashire and Yorkshire, London and North-'Western, and Midland, 1/. 58.; East Lancashire, and London, Brighton, and South Coast, 11. ; London and South-Western, 10s. In Foreign Shares, the French and Belgian descrip- tions have been heavy. Indian lines have been in demand at higher rates, which have not in all cases been maintained. Great Central of France is 11. 10s., and Madras 5s. higher. Some heavy realizing has taken place in Sambre and Meuse, and they have declined 11. 17s. W. The following are also lower-Eastern of Franoe, and Northern of France, 108. ; East Indian, and. Paris and Lyons, 5s. SATVRDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK.

The English Funds continue heavy, and have declined this morning,

the impression having increased that a new loan will be shortly anncunced, and that the probable amount will be 10,000,000/. in Consols and a funding of 5,000,0001. Exchequer Bills. Consols for Money are now 921 1, and for Account 921 #. Exchequer Bills 3 discount par. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows a decrease of 222,93511. There was an arrival of gold yesterday from Australia amounting to 206,3001. In Foreign Stocks, Spanish is f, and Turkish Six and Four per Cents 1 lower. Rail- ways have declined a little; but only four bargains have been marked- Great Northern, 931; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 871; London and North- Western, 100; London and.South-Western, 94.


The English Funds are very flat, and a further fall of 1 has occurred since the morning ; Consols for Money are now 921L and for Account 921 f. Exchequer Bills are Is. lower being 4 discount 1 discount. In Foreign Stocks, Turkish Six per Cents }lave fallen I, and Mexican 1. Spanish Cer- tificates have been done at 5.

In. Railways there is very little alteration-Eastern Counties, 91; Great Northern, 931 ; Great Western, 611; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 871; Lon- don, Brighton, and South Coast, 102; London and North-Western, 991 ; London and South-Western, 941 •, Midland, 731 ; North-Eastern--Berwick, 77 ; Ditto York, 65 ; North Staffordshire, 11; South-Eastern, 71 ; Eastern of France, 411 ; East Indian, 231; Great Western of Canada, 251; Great Luxembourg Constituted Shares, 61 ; Sambre and Meuse, 12. Mines -Copiapo, 17 ; Linares, 71. Joint Stock Banks-Bank of Egypt, 51; Lon- don, 64; Ottoman Bank, 51; Union of Australia, 70; 'Union of London, 271. Miscellaneous-Crystal Palace, 3.

3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced New 3 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills 92 Dutch 2,4 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents 98 Mexican 3 per Cents 91 Peruvian 44 per Cents 3 6 Ditto 3 per Cents 2114 124 Portuguese 4 per Cents 4 dia. 1 die. Russian 5 per Cents


93 5 214 2 77 9 54 6 48 50 104 6 India Stock 226 30 Ditto 44 per Cents

94 6

Austrian 5 per Cents 89 92 Spanish 3 per Cents 44 5 . Brazilian 5 per Cents 99 101 Ditto Deferred 234 4 Belgian 44 per Cents 95 7 Sardinian 5 per Cents 94 6 Chilian 6 per Cents 102 4

Swedish 4 per Cents

87 90 Danish 5 per Cents 101 3 Turkish 6 per Cents

96 7

Danish 3 pe Cents 83 5 Ditto 4 per Cents Guaranteed 10 4 -1

BANE OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the. Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the weekending on Saturday, the 19th day of April 1856. Heur DEPARTIEZI,T.

Notes Issued

£23,683,205 Government Debt Other Securities



Gold Coin and Bullion 9,208,206

Silver Bullion




Proprietors' Capital Rest E14,553,000 3,167,890 Government Securities (mein- ding Dead Weight Annuity). £13,117,833 Public Deposits' 2,958,753 Other Securities 15,929,363 Other Deposits 11,907,623 Notes 3,668,600 Seven Days and other .Bills... 796,057 Gold and Silver Coin 667,627



• Including Exchequer, Saving-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, & Dividend Accts.


The annual report of the East Indian Railway Company states, that since the meeting in August the East India Company has agreed to raise the rate of guaranteed interest from 4f to 5 per cent on a further amount of 1,500,0001. of the extension capital. It is proposed to consolidate into one stock the first 1,000,0001. of original capital, and the first 3,000,0001. of ex- tension or B. capital. The receipts from 15th August 1854 to 30th June 1856 were 31,4531. • the expenses were 21,081/. ; leavings balance of 10,371/.

The Great. Indian Peninsula Company show the receipts for the half-year ending December 1855 were 8252/. ; an increase of 3201. The expenses were 49141. ; a decrease of 15341. The net profit amounted to 33371.; showing an increase over the previous half-year. of:18642.

The report of the Committee of Investigation of the Royal Swedish Rail, way supports-the accuracy of former statements of the over-issue of shares and obligations by John Sadleir. There is no desire to repudiate the docu, ments issued by him so far as they fall within the aggregate amount author- ized by the statutes but there arc 20,000 forged shares that will be rejected ; the money obtained upon them was not applied to the Company's use. It is proposed to create a preference stock.to raise money to complete the line; and it is believed that eventually even the original shareholders will get a moderate remuneration.